Introducing the PEPPER BLASTER which is a unique NON-LETHAL, multi-application self-defense tool that can protect you from a safe distance. NO licensing is required for the use of this self-defense tool. The ergonomic design and light weight material allows for a comfortable feel and easy to use device.
Effects of the Pepper Blaster when used as a defense system:
In any defense situa on, the goal is to disorientate or demobilize the a acker/assailant. This in turn gives the defendant/person in danger me to get to safety or to get help. When the Pepper Blaster is ac vated the loud bang disorientates the assailant, the pepper cloud spreads around the assailant, and instantly all areas with moisture present are affected. The pepper will burn the eyes, nose, throat, as well as exposed skin. The assailant immediately goes into a panic state due to his eye site being affected.
CONTENTS: 1 x Pepper Blaster unit | 1 x Pouch | 4 x Pepper Cartridges
1 x Safety Clip | 6 x Happy Snapppers
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